Wednesday 30 April 2008

Gold Coast Appliance Repairs - What do you look for in an appliance repairer?

How do you know which appliance repairer to choose?

It is not an easy task knowing which person to choose to service your trusted appliance. With so many choices and all the different claims various businesses make it can be difficult to come to a decision. Sometimes you think it would be easier to pin a page from yellow pages on a dartboard and take a shot.

There is however a few things to check for that can narrow down the process. Firstly, does the business display an actual physical address? If the business is not willing to show the precise address they operate from ask yourself "what are they trying to hide?"

Next see how long the appliance repair business has been in operation. You do not want some fly-by-nighter taking off with your appliance. If the business has been in operation more than the 5 year danger zone they are less likely to go bust while your appliance is under their care.

Find out what qualifications, certificates, licenses, and insurance the business hold. You do not want damage to your property or even worse to yourself because the technician did not know what they were doing, or not covered.

Always try to use a referral from a friend or relative that has used the appliance repair business. How did they find their business experience with the company. Was it a pleasant one or did they feel "ripped off".

What is there first point of contact like? Do you feel you bothered, or annoyed the person on the other end of the phone or were they helpful? If they are ungrateful for you giving them business, go elsewhere.

For more on Gold Coast Appliance Repairs you can find friendly, honest advice at